mercredi 28 septembre 2016

I was leftist until I get one point,
Until I get it was destroying my life, my potential , my passsions, fucked up my mind. I got a deep dout about feminist about a male teacher back in high chool , the guy was kind but too soft too accomplishd reallya big change in the world. Like the new north america we have became too fat soft too out of shape with the reLITY with the world, too much softest create an imbalance in the world.

Some where  western male lost their male agenda making mainstream being feele being  in love with other man or just being lesbian. I am open minded about gay and lesbian or bisexual, I am myself a pround heterosexual white male, I dont care about your sex age or other shit like america has become more concert about all specific  stuffs. Just stuff you labels yourself about skin or  religion impling you are somewhere special. No you are not, being special means you have develop skills over the years that make you sand out of the crownd of people.

Being special , is not about some sort of reistance about uv radiations or how peaceful your religions is when it's not or so collective of an bee you are not, it's about how you by your gift the world will reminds you. yes your gift, the capilist sociaty we live in reminds the best because the best of us inspired us the be the best we cab be . Just inpiring one person in your entire life is an accomplishiment that will inspire one person tht wil change just 0,,0000001 of the world. That is call contributon.  Life is about contributing too this world, not being against.

We have the duty to preseverve our ancestry  culture not destroy other, mix it not dominite other. But if other want to to dominate a man and his familly must rise and take arm to it and crush the enemy!

mardi 10 novembre 2009


Welcome to my blog!
I want to introduce my blog, to log my experience about running. Maybe, Meeting other over of running and other cool things in life or cyclist or people who just have a passion about something in life.

I want to share my experience in the world of running. At 22years old I made my first half-marathon in 1h24,37, it was just 3 weeks before ottawa marathon, wich I run in 3h04,25. My first to. And finally I ran another half-marathon in 1h26,45. It's my first real year of comp. Well,I had been introduce to speedworkonly last winter,but run for years just for fun. Still,for fun.

My first log,november 10 2009.
Sunny day, 10 degres celcius outside,shorts in november! 1h30, trails run, muddy condition mixed with hardpack, hard pace.